Field Training Your Hunting Dog

Nothing makes a hunt more rewarding than watching a trained dog work. It not only makes hunting more enjoyable but a trained dog conserves game as you loose fewer cripples.

  • We use the latest in training aids possible:
  • TriTronics Collar
  • TriTronics Automatic Bird Releasers
  • Max 5000 Launchers
  • Zinger Winger Throwers

The basic gun dog program lasts 16 weeks. The first 8 weeks are solid obedience training along with force breaking and whistle training. The last 8 weeks are spent in the field and water. Decoys are used along with quartering techniques.

See Photo Gallery for pictures of training area and training equipment.

Call us at 712-258-4055 for information on starting your dog in field training.

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